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Using Queues

Deno KV is currently in beta

Deno KV is currently experimental and subject to change. While we do our best to ensure data durability, data loss is possible, especially around Deno updates.

Executing Deno programs that use KV currently requires the --unstable flag, as below:

deno run -A --unstable my_kv_code.ts

The Deno runtime includes a queueing API that supports offloading larger workloads for async processing, with guaranteed at-least-once delivery of queued messages. Queues can be used to offload compute-intensive tasks in a web application, or to schedule units of work for a time in the future.

The primary APIs you'll use with queues are in the Deno.KV namespace as enqueue and listenQueue.

Enqueue a message

To enqueue a message for processing, use the enqueue method on an instance of Deno.Kv. In the example below, we show what it might look like to enqueue a notification for delivery.

// Describe the shape of your message object (optional)
interface Notification {
forUser: string;
body: string;

// Get a reference to a KV instance
const kv = await Deno.openKv();

// Create a notification object
const message: Notification = {
forUser: "alovelace",
body: "You've got mail!",

// Enqueue the message for immediate delivery
await kv.enqueue(message);

You can enqueue a message for later delivery by specifying a delay option in milliseconds.

// Enqueue the message for delivery in 3 days
const delay = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 3;
await kv.enqueue(message, { delay });

You can also specify a key in Deno KV where your message value will be stored if your message isn't delivered for any reason.

// Configure a key where a failed message would be sent
const backupKey = ["failed_notifications", "alovelace",];
await kv.enqueue(message, { keysIfUndelivered: [backupKey] });

// ... disaster strikes ...

// Get the unsent message
const r = await kv.get<Notification>(backupKey);
// This is the message that didn't get sent:
console.log("Found failed notification for:", r.value?.forUser);

Dequeueing messages

You can configure a JavaScript function that will process items added to your queue with the listenQueue method on an instance of Deno.Kv.

// Define the shape of the object we expect as a message in the queue
interface Notification {
forUser: string;
body: string;

// Create a type guard to check the type of the incoming message
function isNotification(o: unknown): o is Notification {
return (
((o as Notification)?.forUser !== undefined &&
typeof (o as Notification).forUser === "string") &&
((o as Notification)?.body !== undefined &&
typeof (o as Notification).body === "string")

// Get a reference to a KV database
const kv = await Deno.openKv();

// Register a handler function for dequeued values - this example shows
// how you might send a notification
kv.listenQueue((msg: unknown) => {
// Use type guard - then TypeScript compiler knows msg is a Notification
if (isNotification(msg)) {
console.log("Sending notification to user:", msg.forUser);
// ... do something to actually send the notification!
} else {
// If the message is of an unknown type, it might be an error
console.error("Unknown message received:", msg);

Queue behavior

TODO @igor - could we say a few words about:

  • any relevant behavior or limitations of queues (like max queue size)
  • a bit about how queues work differently on Deploy versus CLI/local
  • Any gotchas or limitations users should be aware of

Use cases

Queues can be useful in many different scenarios, but there are a few use cases you might see a lot when building web applications.

Offloading async processes

Sometimes a task that's initiated by a client (like sending a notification or API request), may take long enough where you don't want to make clients wait for that task to be completed before returning a response. Other times, clients don't actually need a response at all, such as when a client is sending your application a webhook request, so there's no need to wait for the underlying task to be completed before returning a response.

In these cases, you can offload work to a queue to keep your web application responsive and send immediate feedback to clients. To see an example of this use case in action, check out our webhook processing example.

Scheduling work for the future

Another helpful application of queues (and queue APIs like this one), is to schedule work to happen at an appropriate time in the future. Maybe you'd like to send a notification to a new customer 24 hours after they have placed an order to send them a satisfaction survey. You can schedule a queue message to be delivered 24 hours into the future, and set up a listener to send out the notification at that time.

To see an example of scheduling a notification to go out in the future, check out our notification example.